Yes folks, we know. And now you know! A baby boy is growing and moving
and dancing a lively jig against my bowels. The ultrasound was last week and he
looks good to our untrained eye, no extra limbs or anything, lots of spunk. He
may, we think, even have been sucking his thumb, which we desperately tried and
failed to convince Ben was a suitable form of self-soothing. He was a true “need-to-suck”
baby, and is still pretty orally fixated. But no thumb! He thankfully seems to
be, at 21 months, finally moving away from putting everything he picks up on
the ground into his gullet! Of course now that I’ve written that, he might take
a sudden fancy to those yummy looking cigarette butts everywhere.
Holy! A boy, another boy. The grandparents are verklempt (choked up), since
knowing the sex is making it so much more real for them. A boy! I worry on the
one hand that being of the same sex, but sharing only half their genes, the
brothers will compare themselves more directly (think body size; chance of
balding!). Perhaps it will be the opposite! I am sure temperament has more to
do with it than genes anyway, since brothers take all forms and relate in all
kinds of way. I have a brother, so I don’t know much about bro-bro relations,
nor does A. Everyone says it’s so good for a boy to have a brother to play
with. Who knows? My brother liked to play my games but he was also smaller and
I was bossy! We think Ben’ll make a great big brother! He is a fairly cautious
kid, and seems to genuinely care when his friends are sad. The Sanskrit name he
was given is even Balarama who is the wonderful big bro to Krishna.
Anyway, after a moment of feeling the loss of a potential daughter, since
two kids is probably it for now or ever, I have launched into the happy/crazy
world of boy names. Wow, is it ever harder to name a boy. You can really get
away with more for girls, and the options are so much vaster. We still have a
few girl names, since my parents were told I was a boy. But this wee baby’s,
um, boy parts were pretty clear! A boy. Wow. This is really happening…
Guess today is me catching up on all your recent blog posts day. Yay for boys!! It's wonderful to have another boy! They really do like bonding and enjoy their gross sense of humor. (and even playing "swords" with boy body parts when they get older-- hee hee). CONGRATULATIONS!!