Ben looks truly fabulous in pink, especially dark rose,
though men are thankfully reclaiming the pink spectrum. When we put him in
girlie onesies though, you know, the ones with frills, or cutesy pictures on
them, it was like working out a muscle not to think I was holding my baby girl.
And vice versa about truck tees, or so moms of girls tell me. It’s a
crap-shoot. The truth is we are having a human child, a precious piece of the
Mystery, with all the potential of the universe within them. All the hugs and
lullabies and pureed carrots will be the same. The yummy baby smell, the little
fingers grasping ours, the awesome aubergine stroller for two. What this child
will become is unknown, regardless of their bio-bits. The best we can hope for
is to provide balanced opportunities and to nurture the soul that happens to
come through me with reverence and commitment. Do I love me some red corduroy
dresses with rainbows on them? I won’t deny it. But the same in overall form
would be adorable. And some sparkly magenta leg warmers? Some boys I know are
rocking those… Why this pull for mothers to have daughters? Is it just media
hype and “chicken soup for the soul” sentimentality? Don’t many
daughter/mothers combos clash? Don’t boys stay devoted to their moms? Don’t
boys often bond better as brothers, than bro and sis? It’s physical in one
sense, being able to relate to similar bodies, and spiritual in another sense,
the passing on of womanly mysteries down the maternal line. But perhaps it’s
time to open up our too frequently woman-only spiritual spaces, embrace the
vulnerability that invites and launch with courage into the world of gods and
green men. I bet we’ll come out the richer for it! Either way, baby boy or
girl, we win. Either way, I am on my knees in gratitude as this wonder. Bring
on the ultrasound! I think I’m ready.
It's ok to want a girl. :) We did everything to try for a girl, and were thrilled when she presented herself at our 20wk ultrasound! A boy would have been awesome, too, of course!
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited for you and A and B. Also a bit wistful, if I may say, since we're not having any more kids ourselves. Please keep letting us know how things are going! -Angie