May 11, 2011
Or so we thought. This is
a photo of Ben prior to our wild adventure across the ocean for him to meet his
Great-Grandad, who is 96 (and maybe, coincidentally, to watch the royal wedding
live in the Motherland!). How could I resist this completely unnecessary
raincoat at Value Village? I dare any of you to resist it! Suffice it to say we
scored the balmiest and sunniest April in recorded history in the UK. I even
got a light sunburn. It was global warming at its best. Spring was in a full
riot of color and Ben was positively gobsmacked by seeing trees with leaves! He
watched them swaying in the wind both with the fervor of a World Cup fan and
the romance of a poet. He lay in the grass looking up, miniature daisies
crowning his sweet head. Heaven. The little bugger also learned more about the
powerful instrument in his throat, much to our amusement and bewilderment. A
constant string of happy chatter accompanied our daily doings, with a
particularly cute gurgling sound accompanied by an inwardly curled lower lip.
Since everything has its shadow, our precious little baby also learned to HOWL
when he wants something (let’s remember he is a quarter Italian and a quarter
Russian and has started teething). Holy cannoli, he goes from 0-60 in 3 seconds
flat! And, as many of us can appreciate, a boob in the mouth (if anything; not
vodka) was his only solace for such a cry. I often felt so helpless. I can
occasionally calm him down with a variety of tricks (mainly patience,
determination, bouncing on the exercise ball and making this weird motorboat
noise with my lips), but it helps if Ben can’t see or hear A. Poor A is more
stuck at home than ever before! Or at least, she can’t be without him for too
long in case of a sudden tear-tsunami. I hesitate to use that destructive
nature metaphor which has so ravaged our friends in Japan. Sometimes though,
this new cry of his feels like a force of nature, coming out of the blue and
ripping through our house with wave after wave of noise. I actually ran home
from work to help A deal with a particularly potent session yesterday.
Anyway, we count our
blessings that Ben was so good on the plane (boob was always available). He
also completely seduced Grandad. I think the feelings were mutual. We can’t
believe he’s 4 months old on May 17th. Every day is so different, every
favorite onesie is getting outgrown to be replaced with new favorites, and now
we are officially retiring the bassinet. Today. With no immediately implementable
back-up plan. It just crept up on us! He’s been wiggling out of rather tight
swaddles, and then flaying his arms around smacking the basket-woven sides of
his bassinet. He’s also too long for it. In England he slept in a foamie-lined
dresser drawer on the floor. Hmm…
He looks adorable. I failed to read past the previous romp update and missed this post. The raincoat reminds me of Paddington bear.