Okay, so either we have really indulgent cats, or I am not bad at swaddling. Yes, Pan's paws are outside the blanket, but for heaven's sake, he's a cat! Swaddling a cat has got to be like trying to hold onto a wriggling worm with hands covered in jello. I've been watching that great "Happiest Baby on the Block" video (which does not incidentally recommend practicing on cats), and decided to try out some of the "5 Ss" of swaddling, side-position, swinging, shushing, sucking. Check out more at http://www.happiestbaby.com/. I was firm, as they recommend, but gentle, confident enough to say to [insert pretend child here], "Don't worry, be happy, I've got this, trust me!" Doesn't our sweet Pan have "I trust you" written all over his face? I hope you don't report me to the Humane Society. Pregnant A might though, since I keep dressing them in baby bags, onesies and such. I think it's fun! Do we ever stop enjoying dress up and playing house? Dressing our child is one of the things I can't wait for! Pan also likes to sleep on the change table and Angus, in the stroller. I really wonder what they'll think when there is someone else who takes precedence [Goddess forbidding the child is allergic! Ah!]. We heard that our neighbour's cat has been permanently deranged since he witnessed his human mama's home birth. She says the cat has never been the same (and not because of the kid, which they somehow determined not to affect the kitty). I hope ours are ok. Angus is such a good nurse, purring and lying near sore parts, checking in if we cry or scream. I'm afraid Pan on the other hand might "act out", perhaps taking a big dump precisely at a time in labour A can't stand smells. Que sera, sera, n'est-ce pas?
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