Sitting alone in a quiet Tim Horton's by the lake, mid-evening, with snow-drifting gently sideways beyond the windows, I have a glimpse into a different life. I've often wondered at the lonely looking single dinners sipping their crack coffees. Do they come here because it is just a bit less lonely than being at home? I am personally experiencing just the opposite in fact. It's peaceful here with my cinnamon apple tisane, no expectations from anyone, one satisfying and brief conversation with a stranger already completed. I'm waiting for a couple who wants me to marry them you see, and they're already 20 minutes late. I don't feel angry or frustrated or resentful that I rushed here, the way I might have before. Perhaps it is the calming atmosphere of beige. Perhaps I've done a lot of work and feel less anxious when things don't go according to plan. Or perhaps I'm just too tired to care much and would rather take this delicious moment alone to simply sip my tea and ignore the swirling whirl of responsibility that awaits me outside these friendly walls.
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