Friday, January 23, 2015

Caught poo-handed

It’s certainly no record, but I have literally had poo on my hands four times today. It came from a combination of toddler diaper changing, preschooler bum wiping and the discovery of poo of mysterious canine origin under Daniel's boots. The latter had apparently affixed itself to his tiny boot yesterday. It had been frozen so I hadn't noticed. And I carried Daniel in on my hip last night, so while grocery shopping with the boys today I discovered the business crusted around the bottom of my coat. They took it in stride of course; poo is everywhere and their mums deal with it. Honestly, I think we socially construct its "gross" factor. Biologically we're probably wired to avoid it, for health reasons, but I've seen very little sign of either of my boys finding it intrinsically gross. Why do I blog about these precious anecdotes? Mostly to share a laugh with you and avoid any tears. Perhaps also to demonstrate my maturing motherhood with my apparent equanimity (slash apathy) about it all. 

On another note, unrelated to poo, though no less gross, I dismantled the high chair yesterday and put it away, probably for good. I was aware that it ought to be an emotionally fraught activity, and I did feel waves of nostalgia and a bit of shock at the speed of time passing. Mostly I felt the 3+ years of accumulated crust and crud from every nook and cranny upon my hands. And oh, there was this secret treasure stash under the basket of bibs and cloths, a prehistoric compaction of dried tofu, Cheerios once congealed together and now almost indecipherable from each other, and one lonely vitamin. I bet the lot could make a science grad student's day somewhere.

To top it off, mothers (and anyone with a period really) have to manage these shenanigans while also surviving the monthly onslaught of hormones! You'd think we'd be given a reprieve, having used our reproductive bits productively. I guess Mother Nature wants us feeling moody and questionably hygienic until we can't possibly push out another bundle of joy. Being in tune with the Earth's cycles, such bliss. 

Going to pop another Advil cuz now I just feel poopy.


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