am standing washing dishes for the umpteenth evening in a row, adrenaline
coursing through me, my breath shallow, as I wait for A’s telltale steps down
the stairs signalling “all is well with our now sleeping children”. Some
powerful hidden anger overtakes me one evening, I believe it was a Saturday
after a long day outside. A rage-filled roar in my head shouts: HOW HAVE I LET
MYSELF BE TRAMPLED BY FEAR??? The children (Ben) will fall asleep eventually,
it is the Way. Parents (me) agonize over it, to the point of feeling
traumatized. My roiling insides begged for mercy, for me to get out of the way
of my own self-torture. It’s been life changing.
rice is falling all over the floor, getting stuck into every nook and cranny of
the kitchen, Daniel’s diaper, the toaster oven, everywhere. The boys are
playing with it, merrily scooping it from bowl to bowl with a variety of utensils,
happy as clams. It is the Way of children everywhere. Keeping a clean house as a parent is not. Neither is
letting myself freak out about it.
of trying to get pregnant. Lots of asking “Why me??” with no good answers. Asking
“why me?” is not the Way. A friend who recently experienced a miscarriage told
me she is no longer beholden to believing in Karma. She no longer thinks it was
anything but “shit” happening. Shit happening is the Way. What we do about it
is what matters. I asked if she thinks things happen for a reason. She said she
does, but not in a personal way, rather in the “Way things are” kind of way.
I have been feeling like the less I resist the Way of Life, the easier
everything is to take. Duh. Like the classic pop psych maxim “resistance is
persistence” I am slowly letting go of the illusion of control. It’s a mind
game, and playing it, I win so much back! My joy in watching the children being
children, my gratitude for their lives, my appreciation of the simplicity of
our family existence right now. I am taking care to check my brain regularly: Am
I getting in my own way right now? Is my brain making up stories for which I am
suffering needlessly? Am I present to love?
Way is the Way. How we experience it is up to us.
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