We’ve had
our most thunderous fight since Ben on the topic of family planning (see
"Four!"), and the lightening static lingers. Much as we love our
progeny, I can’t say that things have been much fun between his parents. We’re
well fed by our community; we get more sleep than many and are well supplied
with excellent television on DVD. I’m off for another week of a whopping eight
parental weeks. Yet a chasm stands between us, a big, lonely, echoey distance.
Despite the dramatic image, we know that part of it’s normal for new parents.
It’s all very mind-numbing, repetitive, anxiety producing and existential. I
miss her. I miss being the one with the best claims on her most precious
affections. I’m not actually jealous of Ben, since he’s got me too, hook, line and
sinker. I just wish we could be more of a cuddle puddle, all three of us
together, plus the cats of course. Or sometimes, just sometimes, that we'd
puddle alone.
Well my only thoughts on FOUR is FOUR x everything, 4x University tuition, 4x Young Drivers of Canada, 4x braces if needed. Its a lot of 4 x $. I managed to raise 2 x and can't imagine the 4 x $ struggle.