Heads’ up
people, she wants four. Not four Danish doughnuts, four soy lattés, or four
People magazines (although she’d welcome all of those). A expressed casually
with a sheepish grin a few weeks ago that she wants us to have three more
babies. And this is after pushing that lump of a boy out of her still
recovering body and being stuck like an all-hours dairy bar since. WTF and
whatever the kids are saying these days! When did “let’s have kids” become
“let’s populate the Empire”? Has she been whipped up into a nationalist frenzy?
Very unlikely, although had we remained in Quebec we would be much celebrated
and financially compensated despite being anything but “pur laine”. No my
friends, it’s something much more powerful that politics, something secretly
ruling humankind for always, it’s… hormones. Maybe it’s just Ben; he is pretty
awesome. But I’m pretty sure the hormone motherload has hit and she’s hooked
big time. It’s more powerful than her, like the Borg she can’t resist. All
physical memory of pain is erased. The nearly nine months of nausea, poof! All
our conversations about two, maybe three children, ignored. Intelligent Nature
has dug Her clever talons deeply into the willing vessel of my woman, who
conceived, carried and popped out this baby like nobody’s business (it’s
irritatingly genetic). I will admit that A’s got bragging rights. And if I may
say so, is looking fine six weeks later. It’s so bloody
Our baby
just left midwifery care after a sumptuous six weeks post-partum and she’s
already talking about a sibling. She wants ‘em fast and furious, like an
assembly line of babies. Would she stop at four? Nobody knows. The big elephant
in the room (despite a dearth of reality show offers) is of course the chilling
truth that I’m next up again to the batting cage. Good… god. I can’t say that
I’m really looking forward to picking off all of those emotional scabs.
Sometimes all that saves me is the quasi-theistic and totally fatalistic
feeling that Ben had to come first, and through A. And that when I try again
(or IF, though I’m pretty sure I will) maybe it will be time for one to come
through me. That is of course instead of thinking there is anything wrong with
my body or karma, or that I have the genetic heritage of conceiving at a
turtle’s pace. What A’s enthusiastic new “Breeder” t-shirt’s glittery red
letters shout at me is “you better conceive post-haste cuz if you don’t and we
switch back to me, the bottom line is my clock is ticking and I’m getting OLD!”
Fhew! She’s actually said much of that to me, especially about her fears around
aging and “geriatric pregnancies” (after age 35 and we're 33). There is also
the implication that I have a time limit, and it’s coming from her, not Time.
This is deep stuff. I am not ready for more kids yet. Though I can imagine it
in the future, I can barely cope with what’s already before us. Like they say
in those 12 step programs, woman, I’m taking this one day at a time.
Dear E,
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful boy you have.I can understand A wanting more. Breastfeeding is so blissful and yummy for maman as well as baby. If I had been able, I think I would have had ten. I also know the pain of wanting to conceive and it not happening. This having children thing is very deep stuff. Being a channel for a new life to come through, taking the responsibility for someone else's well being, knowing that one day you will no longer be there but your child will, and OMG the power of all that unconditional love pouring through the heart! May you never go to the place of thinking something is wrong with you. May you always love your body. May you always feel gratitude for the blessings of those that are here with you. LOVE to all your beautiful family