** Postcript to "Breaking Waters" **
So I went to the Bedouin Soundclash show after all. With our donor no less, just me and him. Some "guy" time, watching decidedly "guy" bands. I loved it! I have been working these past many months (possibly years) getting my head around the fact that although it's just me and A raising this baby, we need a fella to help us create the wee bairn. I am past the "it's not fair" phase, a weak argument anyway in the face of Nature's vast, enormous and mysterious wonder. If lesbians could procreate together, there would be too many girls (egg+egg= always female) and boys are pretty cool. Plus, I think it's Grizzly bears that mate with male bears and then raise them together in female pairs. And I am one serious mama bear. We have often wished our love was enough, as I'm sure infertile couples do. And there has been a lot of fuss and muss getting this pregnancy. On the plus side however, have we got stories to tell!! [Obviously, note present blog]. And we have had the great pleasure of including our community in helping us to create a family. We are inordinately lucky and deeply grateful for the gift of life which only a man could give us (and Nature, we aren't forgetting You!), and which our donor and his wife agreed to share with us. I am also personally thrilled that this process has helped me to make peace with my inner man, with other men and masculinity in general (though still arguably a work in progress). Props dude!
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