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Potty Boot Camp
3. Morale waivers. Today has actually been a great day, lots of toilet use, one
“wild” pee in the grass. Even a real, bonafide poo in the toilet. I hear that
this is the piece de resistance of potty training. We have hit the home run!!
Well, Ben is 3.5 years old, so there is that. You can’t say that he doesn’t get
the concept. It’s just we never pushed it, and finally he needs to sort it out
by September and we hustled things along cold-turkey (except pull-ups at
night). We are deeply proud of him, to say the least. Great. So no problem
right? Now ask us how the mothers are faring…. Poorly at best (brief moments of
euphoria notwithstanding). We are both control oriented people, we like things
tidy, we have a routine… This week-end has blasted that open. We cannot show
frustration to our brave, struggling boy, so we turn on ourselves and each
other and that spot on the floor (why won’t it come OUT?!?!). We have each had
to take time outs of our own to cool off, decompress, recommit. Ben does “quiet
time” each day he is home, for 30 min. He stays in the play-room (mostly),
listens to music, does his stickers or whatever. I try and actually relax
during that time since Daniel is napping. Today I dealt with phone operators
while Ben yelled and pounded on the door until finally I went to end our mutual
misery at the designated time, only to find that he had stickered his penis. He
has also become deeply curious about his anatomy: “what is the hole the pee
comes out of called?”, “what is the hole the poo comes out of called?” It’s all
about holes. (What the heck is the pee hole called anyway??) So, now our child
knows the term anus, knows the cats have one and has decided he doesn’t like
the word (just “bum” please). Anyway, after removing the stickers, he proceeded
to help me in the kitchen. Bless him. But he was naked on the lower half, and
every time he heard water he thought he had to pee, would run to the toilet,
aim, false alarm, hand wash (or not, chasing him, returning to bathroom, hand
wash), undies, fight about undies, get a chocolate if he actually peed, inability
to ignore his own now easily available body parts, more hand washing, repeat.
Over and over. Cute, but massively disruptive to my attempt to attack the
splats of mashed sweet potato dripping down the side of the cupboard, the
cheese gunk stuck to the counter, the mountain of dishes from cooking and
playing all this rainy day of Stuck At Home Learning to Potty. This is HUGE. I
know it. Earthshattering to his existential sense of self. Plus, he gets one M&M for each pee, two for a poo. I am starting to feel like moms should get
the same!
AWESOME... Teo just started using the toilet in early June (when we were travelling to Peterborough, no less!). It has been completely directed by him and we have really had to do very little (having a big sister certainly helps!). :) Teo gets home from "school" now and the first thing he does is strip down naked on the bottom half... :) I SO get where you guys are... And 2 is totally crazier than 1, eh?? Lots of love and hugs from here! Annie.