Ever heard of pregnancy cough? It’s a real thing, trust me. Add an exhausted woman whose lungs are total germ magnets, ready to lay down their healthy glow to the first sleazy bug and what do you have? Separate beds. Mind you, we were in separate beds for a few weeks prior to “walking pneumonia” coming by for a jaunt. We share a double bed you see, which under normal circumstances is fine for two snuggly, average-sized ladies. For a while however, it felt like we had become polygamists since her damn (I mean blessed) body pillow takes up more room than I do!! A was having trouble sleeping, since she’s a natural tummy sleeper and suddenly there was a watermelon beneath her. She’s never been one to easily give over to the sandman. And she is so HOT these days (in many ways, but especially in body temperature). Long story short, I wasn’t sleeping either. Hence the separate beds, nay, separate rooms! I miss her. She misses me. It’s too sad.
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